Sorry for the delay guys, I’ve been so up to my throat with life >.<||| I’m finally here with the results for the Cosplay Booklet Giveaways!
Remember how I showed this picture and asked you to guess who and what is happening in the photo behind the aquarium tank?
Before I reveal the answer, let me reveal the winner. The fact is, nobody got the right answer. But I think you guys deserve the booklets merely for the enthusiasm showed, so I chose the closest answer.
Well, close enough I guess xD
Congratulations to YLing for winning the booklets! Please email me at elpheal and let me know your mailing address and recipient name before 30th November 2012.
Continue reading to see the real photo…
The picture is taken during the 2nd day of the Singapore Toy Games and Comics Convention where Touya Hibiki and Kousaka Yun were the special guest. We had the chance to chat with them in their resting lounge and caught her doing this xD
Apparently they had to fly back to japan the very night after the event so they brought their luggages to the event itself to leave straight for the airport. So rushed >o<! As with anyone who has travelled before, you’d know the last few hours before leaving is always a battle with your luggage.
But she was so cute while she packed that we couldn’t resist it and took some pictures xD. Don’t worry, we asked for permission before we snapped away xD I was pretty surprised she allowed us to snap the moment since the Japanese guests are usually very wary and mindful of their image. I guess this goes to show her nonchalant and unabashed personality; in fact, she even tore off the flight sticker from her luggage, crushed them and then casually pushed them into Reiko’s hand saying it’s a gift LOL
And she accidentally slipped off the luggage after this picture. SO CUTE LARHHHHHHHH > //// <!!!!!!!
See??? I told you guys it’s a very normal action and you guys will love the original photos LOL! Comment and tell me how much you hate/envy/is jealous of me right now XD!!!!!!!!
Read my Interview with Touya hibiki & Kousaka Yun here!
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