I had the awesome privilege to interview Shinichiro Miki when he was invited as a guest for the amazing SMASH held in Sydney this July 2012.
It was probably one of my most nerve wracking interview yet. Having such a big name in the industry in front of me and knowing that there were a lot of other media representatives with their big cameras and large crew waiting in line after me to interview him had me on the edge of my seat. And we were only given 10 minutes >w<!
All the interviews I’ve had before this had allowed me ample time so leashing me on duration was nerve wrecking too! LOL
Mikishin himself was an awesome guy. He was pretty much like how he was in the video, cool and talking very slowly but thoughtfully. I love how he puts in effort to think and thoughtfully reply my questions. To a certain extent, I think this guy is even more nervous than us ! Hahah. When we took a picture with him, he kindly obliged even though it was not usual customs. And he pretended to place his hands on our shoulder by hovering it on our shoulders and I could feel it trembling xD .
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the interview, the video edit and the questions asked. Please comment and share your thoughts with me! Were there any questions you wished you could have asked?
Much thanks to Peggy for helping me out during the interview! Had to censor her face because we just got off the plane, took a wrong shuttle bus stop to a wrong hotel and had to drag our luggage for 15minutes to get to the Media session. Unfortunately for Peggy, she didn’t have time to do her makeup so I’m censoring her face in respect of that.
SMASH Official website: http://www.smash.org.au/
Read the rest of my experience at SMASH at the links below.
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